Getting a prescription from your doctor


Having a plan and communicating effectively with your doctor is the first step to advocating for your child’s needs. The steps in this article will prepare you for your next appointment with your doctor and how to talk about the Cubby Bed for your loved one.

Step 1:

Decide which doctor you would like to write the 'Cubby Safety Bed' prescription and your Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN). Insurance prefers to see Letters of Medical Necessity (LMN) from an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, or Neurologist.

Don’t worry if your child does not have any of those providers; any Medical Doctor (MD) is qualified to write the prescription and LMN. The MD who sees your child most often is a great place to start!

Step 2

Please download and print our Required Insurance Documents, plus you can review the additional flyers and resources attached below. Share these documents with your provider to streamline the process. 

Step 3:

Call your doctor's office to make an appointment to talk about your Medical Equipment Request.

Step 4: 

During your appointment, make sure to go through the following steps:

  1. Share the Required Insurance Documents with your provider. Simply explain your loved one's safety concerns and how the Cubby Bed can help address them. 

  2. Request a prescription specifically for a 'Cubby Safety Bed' by providing the Rx Form within the required documents download. Make sure to share the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Supplier's contact information with your doctor for easy communication, as your doctor can send this directly to the DME. Need help finding a DME supplier? Check out our Supplier Locator Map here.

  3. Kindly request a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from your provider. They can find a template to assist them in drafting the letter within the download as well.

Step 5:

Attend the appointment! 🥳

Make sure you have all the documents on hand, as well as the contact information for your chosen DME, to easily send the prescription over.

Important note: Please ensure that your doctor's Rx specifies for a 'Cubby Safety Bed'. Otherwise, insurance/Medicaid may deny your request due to other less costly alternatives being available.

Lastly, we are here to help you throughout the insurance process! If you have questions, please email our Cubby Care Team at


Download required documents here, plus additional resources below 👇🏼

Cubby Technical Specs.pdf
Cubby Trifold.pdf