Distributor FAQs
How do I request a quote?
We’d be glad to provide you with your quote request! For a faster response, please fill out the attached order form, checkmark ' quote request' at th...
Why did I receive two quotes for a Cubby Plus – itemized and bundled?
For any Cubby Plus Bed quote request, we provide two formats that include an Itemized quote and a Bundled quote. Itemized Quotes break down the Cubb...
Cubby Basic vs Cubby Plus
Cubby Plus and Cubby Basic are the same bed with ONE big difference.  Cubby Plus has the Technology Hub integrated into the canopy of the bed. Featur...
Do you provide discounts to businesses, hospitals, or group homes?
Yes! If you are ordering more than 2 beds, we can provide discounts. Please reach out to admin@cubbybeds.com to learn more.
Are mattresses included with each Cubby Bed order?
For every Insurance/Medicaid-approved order, we ship a free 8-inch full-size mattress with the Cubby (either variation).  Families have the opportunit...
What is your current lead time?
The current production time of a Cubby Bed from the day the order is placed is 3-5 weeks. Once shipped, the estimated delivery is within 3-4 business ...
Does Cubby work with DME distributors?
Yes! We've had Cubby Beds approved in all 50 states by Medicaid and commercial payers. We partner with hundreds of branches across the country to help...
What is the HCPCS code used for a Cubby?
Typically our beds are billed under the HCPCS code E1399 .  Some distributors have had success with coding a Cubby Bed under alternative codes such a...
How do I become a Cubby distributor?
Good news! We have successfully onboarded 60+ DME distributors and we’d be glad to work with you. Here’s a quick overview of the distributor onboardin...